
Archive for the ‘Scarf Festival’ Category

Our members gathered together for the May workshop and had extra inspiration on hand for making beads from various materials. We were lucky enough to score a visit from ATSADA’s Marrakesh travelling ornate suitcase exhibition “Cara”. The pieces were beautifully presented and covered a myriad of techniques and materials, a fantastic incentive for our bead making workshop.

Beads were rolled onto satay sticks and straws and incorporated fabric, tyvek, lutrador and papers. They were wrapped with threads, wires and had beads and other embellishments added. The resultant beads were long and thin, fat and fluffy, glitzy and gregarious, classic and classy.

Here are some photos taken on the day:

Coming up at the National Wool Museum from June 16 is the 2012 Scarf Festival. I know of at least one member who has entered a scarf, let me know if there are more.

Our next get together will be June 9th, requirements will be sent out shortly.

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